Statement: Rehberg, House Say ‘No' To Additional Funding For Banking Bailout


Date: Jan. 22, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Montana's Congressman Denny Rehberg released the following statement after his vote to block the second and final installment of the $700 billion banking bailout. Rehberg voted against the unpopular bailout, which included language that allowed Congress to rescind the final $350 billion.

"When I voted against the original bailout I wanted to be wrong, and I hoped it would turn the economy around. Six bailouts and two trillion dollars later, the economy has sunk deeper into recession. Today, I joined members of both parties in the House to send a message: We need to rethink our strategy. Instead of doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, let's do the sane thing and actually fix the problem."

Although Rehberg and the House voted to block the remaining $350 billion in funding, the joint resolution of disapproval failed to pass in the Senate last week. Passage in both chambers is necessary to send to the President for signature.
